About Me

Hi all!
My name is Aleksandar and i am game developer. I have started to gain interest in the games very early when i was 6y old, but i have gained interest for game development and programming only after playing World of Warcraft. This game made me an programmer and gave me an awesome life career. If it wasn't for that game i probably would have been Historian now or who knows something else! In work I tend to have high attention to details and to keep cool head. I enjoy learning something new everyday and not just from programmer branches but also from any game development and non game development areas. I like to play guitar, go in the nature and wander around, play with friends, listen to music, watch animes and movies. I can honestly say i am workoholic. Very passionate for things that i do!

Skills Aquired

  • Game Engines
      Unity, Cocos 2D, Unreal Engine, Madbox
  • Programming Languages
      Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, Python, SQL, Objective C, PHP, HTML,AppleScript
  • Database
      MySQL, NoSQL
  • Platforms
      Windows, macOS, Android, iOS
  • Graphics and Animation
      Adobe Photoshop, Blender
  • Versioning Systems
      Git, SVN
  • Web Frameworks
      Flask, Asycio, Sockets

Spoken and Written Languages

  • Serbian
  • English